Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Destino (2003)


Well, I have an item to share! This is an interesting little animated film called Destino, which was apparently financed by Walt Disney and produced by animator Bob Hench and a noteworthy surrealist for a time in 1945 to 1946. It wasn't completed until 2003, and I surmise that the chief reason for this hiatus rested upon the development of the necessary medium-for-funds means to create Da...I mean, a noteworthy surrealist's vision. I mean Dali's vision. It was Dali.

You can't hide that sort of thing forever.

It's ostensibly a tale of the impossible love between the personification of time and a wispy mortal woman, accentuated by a somber Spanish love song (titled Destino) from way back when. There are numerous distinctly Dalist motifs. Figures morph and fade into graceful transition, and strange allusions to baseball and other mid-1940s sensibilities call into themes of desperate reaches for an embrace.

How artful. Anyway, enjoy the film. It's six minutes or so, and you'll love it if you get a kick out of cartoons or, alternatively, surrealism. It's surrealism in motion. Seriously, it's one thing to have a static image of a hyperreal, fluid world like The Persistence of Memory. It's quite another to have that world move and live.


Kyle William Branham

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for student postings for extra credit (and perhaps some posts from the professor). The blog will be open only to members of the class. You can post items on the blog such as images, videos, links, etc., or your own original work or thoughts. All posts must be accompanied with a brief explanation in your own words (45-word minimum) of what each posted or linked item is about. No explanation is required for posts of original thoughts (it’s assumed that such posts will be more than 45 words). If an original post uses sources for information and/or ideas, these must be cited in footnotes. Always use your own wording unless you quote directly (in which case you will put the wording within quotation marks). Students should link to articles rather than copy and paste entire articles on the blog (to comply with copyright laws). Topics must be related to the art of the modern or contemporary periods (post-1900). 
John Alford